“Lisa is a healer I trust…
and I know a lot of healers”
In today’s world there are moments of absolute joy, there are moments of absolute despair, and there are many moments in between.
The work done in healing from past traumas, or shadow work – is work done mostly behind the scenes – it is not done for the benefit of others, but for the benefit of the self – for you.

The purpose of life on earth is not to live a life void of “negative” experiences, but to live in flow with them – and the positive experiences too.
What this means, is to allow yourself to become water in a river – sometimes its smooth, sometimes its rocky and thereare rapids – but you are still flowing.
Whether you are experiencing a dark night of the soul, or just a moment in time where you feel like your flow has stopped, help is always available to get you back on your way.
Flow programs are designed to tackle the darker times, the harder times, the times where nothing you have done previously has yielded the results you crave.
Flow programs are for the times you are ready to be open to releasing, allowing, and surrendering all that needs to go, whilst also being open to, and accepting all that is coming towards you!
The key to shadow work and healing in general, is accepting the spectrum – the light and the dark.. If you’ve experienced pain, trauma and stress, you can sometimes forget that the light exists.

“I just wanted to tell you that the session was so powerful, there was a tsunami of tears, but overall I fell there were a lot of repressed emotions released”
– Ramya
I am here to be the torch bearer, showing you the way through the dark – to the light on the other side.
No matter whether your blocks are new or old, related to releasing trauma, creating a new career or relationship, or even just feeling like you need “something” to jump start your energy again, Flow programs are here to help.
Many years ago when I was starting my career in the business world, I was given the advice to start your business with all the systems, processes and elements you want, so that when growth happens, you are ready and prepared..
The same goes for our emotional and energetic systems..
We often think about our past, and how the events of the past have shaped us, strengthened or weakened us, or even the lessons we have learned from our experiences, but, many of these events are things we are still hanging on to, using tghem to shape our futures.
If you are able to release the trapped, stuck and stagnant energy, emotion and trauma, then you will have a much clearer and stable base to build your future on.
What this means is you can make choices, decisions, and even just your every day thoughts based on waht you want them to be based on, rather than what your past experiences dictate.
Doesn’t that sound much better?
The practical stuff

Weekly sessions
A remote session each week for 6 weeks, to enable us to dig deep, and to create such momentum that the energy has no choice but to move and release

Custom sound healing tracks
Custom sound healing tracks to listen to after your session to help with the releasing and integrate the healing

Ongoing support
You are never on your own with ongoing support, via Signal (voice notes) email, messenger, what ever you prefer

Available worldwide
Sessions are remote, so no matter where you are, you are able to access the healing you need right now.

Customs blends
Custom blends when needed to support your releasing after a session, either as a roller bottle or spray. Please note, if you are outside of Australia the postage time will be longer.
Each and every Flow Program is bespoke to you, meaning there is no formula or pre planned sessions. Each week you will get the session exactly as your energy needs.
Whilst no two sessions or programs are alike, past experience has shown me this is what you may expect to experience..
Week 1
We start with exploring the surface level stressors that when released will allow us to see the deeper issues at play
Week 2
We see what has shifted and changed, and what has emerged.. We begin digging deeper to see what needs to be brought to the surface for healing
Week 3
This is where the deeper blocks start showing up, informing you that what you thought was the issue, may not be – it could be a symptom of something more.
Week 4
This is commonly the toughest week – in the thick of it.. This is the point where you are most aware of all of the blocks that have shown up, all the ways your life and flow is being impeded, and it might feel pretty yuk. Dont fear, I promise it gets better, and I am always here for additional support.
Week 5
You are coming up now, you can see the light at the end of the tunnel, and the worst of it has passed. The wall has broken, the flood has receded and calm water is being restored.
Week 6
This is the final steps in the process, clearing out the last little bits that need to be cleared, healing and strengthening your energy as a whole, and what ever else is needed by you and your energy.
“You helped get to the heart of what is impacting me building a solid foundation of self love and worth”
We are bombarded in socials these days with all the quotes and memes about living our best lives, there is no limits to what you can achieve, self care..
Which is wonderful, because we are also in a time where focusing on our needs, our desires, and putting energy into those, instead of the needs and desires of others.
What is missing however, is the focus on our energy, our foundations. This is more than grounding, more than maintaining boundaries..
Its an unshakable feeling, a KNOWING within you, that you are safe, secure, loved and supported – by yourself, by the universe, and that you are in flow with your own unique path. Its not about finding these things in outside sources, or waiting for “someone” to provide it for you, its cultivating it within yourself.
That way, no matter what comes in your life – be it the growth and expansion you desire or the new love, you are ready and able to accept it and allow it in, all whilst maintaining your emotional and mental health.
It also means, that in those inevitable moments that aren’t what you want, you are able to process your emotions, your thoughts and feelings in a way that keeps you on track and in flow, so that these events don’t derail you like they used to.
I immediately wanted to sign up for the Foundation program when it opened becuase my work with Lisa through the Deep Flow program was so transformational, in helping me move through leaving a career of 8 years. The Foundation program helped me to move through all fo the self-doubt and changes associated with figuring out how to persue a lifelong passion as a career.
I knew there were blocks around me receiving money for my passion as a photographer, and so I knew I needed help to bust through what was holding me back. Through the Foundation program Lisa helped me to uncover unconscious factors hindering me from moving forward, and to work through them in a loving way. The weekly sessions were accompanied by sound healing tracks that were so comforting and helpful to move through the energy that was moved for the week.
I gained greater self acceptance and love for myself through the 6 weeks, and I felt my confidence growing week by week. There are so many things that I had taken on in regards to how others are persuing their path, and Lisa helped me peel back external influences so I could focus and strengthen my inner voice that is leading me on my own path.
It has given me the confidence to persue a path that feels authentically aligned to myself. While still in the Foundation program I had several breakthrough moments and opportunities related to my career as tangible evidence of what I felt internally shifting!
I highly recommend the Foundation program in addition to the Deep Flow program!
Ohhh Lisa, as usual what an amazing gift you have given me. I woke up in tears that day, it was like a feeling of acknowledgement and release. It was so random until I wanted the session recording and connected the dots. Everything that you intuitively said during my session was so accurate. You described things that I didn’t have words for but felt deeply. The accuracy of your intuition blows me away every time. I literally can see how healing and releasing these fears has shifted in my dat to day and its only been 2 days!
I think if someone feels held back, they want to move forward, you can help them connect to the roots of their energy to help build past limiting beliefs or blocks that are preventing them from moving forward.
Sometimes to help articulate and pull that out, when even we’re not completely aware of whats going on.