
Single sessions

Do you feel like you’re out of flow with your life?  Missing out on opportunities, feeling a build up of emotions you are having trouble processing, or just feeling like everything is against you?  These session are designed to release all emotions, blocks, traumas  etc that you can release within one session.

There are two styles of session available, the first being the Akashic Records reading and healing, where we enter your records, and conduct the session through that.  These sessions are generally quicker, yet offer all available healing for you.  You also have the opportunity to ask questions if you wish.  This session is conducted online, either live or remotely.  

The second option is the flow sessions, which is longer, as it more ritualised – think lighting candles, a bespoke incense blend, intention setting and sound healing all before we get to the depths of the session.  

Flow sessions use a combination of all techniques, which ever is called for during the session.  

Even though the session options are different, you can be assured you will get all the healing you need each time.  The options simply allow for differences in time, likes and dislikes, and belief systems.  It is about creating options, so you can have the healing session experience that best fits your needs.

This session is either in person, live via zoom, or remote – meaning I tune in at the appointed time, conduct the session, and send you the recording afterwards to watch back at your leisure.  I can even work with you while you’re sleeping!

Akashic Reading and healing sessions are $125 AUD (approx $81 USD), flow sessions are $259 AUD (approx $168 USD, check the current rates here).  There is an option to add a custom sound healing track to your session ($30 AUD, approx $19 USD), which will be created directly after your session, and sent to you when it is complete.  These usually run for 15-30mins, contain bowls and chimes that were used during your session, in additional to subliminal affirmations, solfeggio tones and anything else needed.  This track is bespoke for you, and you can listen to as often as you like to help integrate the healing.  



Flow programs are a bespoke 6 week program to dismantle the blocks, and allow you to regain your flow.  Where single sessions release what can be released in one session, these programs tap into what can be released in six.

Think of it like a tunnel with lots of doors – single sessions walk through one door at a time.  These programs allow all of the doors to open at once, which creates far more momentum and change, and allows for much deeper clearing. 

Each program is completely bespoke, meaning what ever happens during the sessions is completely relevant to you. While different people may experience the same sort of patterns week to week, there is no set “this is what we look at in week one, two etc”.

Massage therapy

Using techniques that are effective yet gentle, so there are no pointy elbows digging in anywhere.  Techniques designed to release not just muscle, but fascia, nerves and joint mobilisation, allow for a highly effective treatment for lower back/hip pain, upper back/shoulder/neck pain, and rib/mid back pain. 

Pregnancy massage is also available, and is conducted side lying, as this is generally considered safer.  

There is also an option to combine with 30min sound healing session, to allow for a full body mind and soul healing experience.  

I have over 15 years experience in Massage Therapy, so you can be assured your treatment will be tailored exactly to your needs. 

My training includes Cert IV Swedish Massage, Dip. Remedial Massage and Adv. Dip Soft Tissue Therapy.  I am also a Level 1 Sports Trainer, and hold a Cert III Fitness.  I am fully registered with health funds, so you will be able to claim a rebate with your receipt if you have health cover. 

I have been seeing Lisa for years for varying different issues – relationship breakups, job changes, skin issues, and my own general personal development.  I have always loved the sessions, because I feel safe and supported to tell my stories, to share my secrets, knowing Lisa holds no judgement.  After each session I feel more alive and connected to myself!

Now that I have my own business, my sessions are focussed more on the growth of that, and I really love that Lisa is an accountant too, because it provides such a unique combination of skills.  Blocked chakras?  No problem.  Is this type of expenditure deductible? Yes!  How often do you get the same knowledge from the one person?!  Thank you Lisa!  I can’t wait to see how me and my business grow from here!

Carly S | Gym owner

Lisa is the only one who has managed to fix my back issue!  She knew right away what the problem was, and fixed it easily.  Years of pain gone!

Jack W