Open or closed?
In these very unique times we find ourselves in, I wanted to do an update for you with the information as it comes to me.
Update as at 14 May 2020
Following advice from my association (ATMS) and the kinesiology association, I have decided to reopen for all in person appointments!
The guidelines from the Dept of Health stipulate that:
- Hand washing and sanitizer readily available – the bathroom is right outside the treatment room, and my sanitizer is now out on the shelf for you to use should you wish, rather than hidden in my cupboard.
- all surfaces are cleaned after each client, and fresh linen is always used
- client appointments are spaced out enough to allow for cleaning in between clients
- if you (or I) or anyone we have been in contact with shows any signs or symptoms including fever, cough, runny nose or sore throat, the appointment will be rescheduled.
- if you have traveled within the last 14 days please book your appointment for a future date.
As always, please do feel free to discuss any concerns with me prior to your appointment.
I am SO looking forward to seeing you soon!
Update as at 25 March 2020
At this time, my massage association has advised to continue operations, with strict hygiene protocols. The kinesiology association however have advised that in person sessions must cease for the time being.
Even with this conflicting advice, I have decided to close the clinic to in person sessions, until such time as we are advised we can resume.
Online kinesiology is still available, and is just as effective as in person sessions.
I am truly sorry to my massage clients who rely on massage therapy to keep them moving and out of pain. Let’s all stay safe and healthy, so we can move past this time sooner.
This is quite an emotional time for many, so please get in touch if you are needing assistance with that. Even if you just need someone to talk to, please feel free. We are all in this together, and my hope is that we can lean on each other for support (at a safe distance of course).
Stay safe xx
This is updated as at 23 March 2020
At present, I am open for both in person and online sessions. I will always be available for online sessions, so this post is about in person sessions.
I know how important having continuity of treatment is for many of my clients, and the emotional impacts of isolation can be bigger than we anticipate. I want to make sure I am able to help you as best as I can, whilst still complying with Government regulations and maintaining everyone’s health.
The Australian Department of Health released a fact sheet that states that seeing a massage therapist is currently ok.
The Federal Minister of Health, the Hon Greg Hunt provided the following advice:
‘The Australian Minister of Health as today confirmed that ALL allied health businesses can continue working and are encouraged to do so’
Now, within the massage communities on facebook, there has been a lot of contention as to whether massage therapy falls under allied health. Some say yes because we are listed on the website as allied health, and others say no because we don’t get a medicare number. Allied health is commonly thought to be physio and chiro etc, and the current thinking is that if they can operate, then massage therapists can too.
This is probably why you have seen some massage therapists staying open, and some closing.
I will point out that kinesiology isn’t recognised by anyone anymore, so I base my decisions on the information I am receiving regarding massage.
My association (ATMS) has also advised their members to continue operating as normal, whilst obviously strictly adhering to hygiene standards.
Based on this, and the fact that I see clients in my home, and that I am seeing more and more of my kinesiology clients online, so there are actually less people in person anyway, I am staying open until I am advised by my association, or the Government.
I also note, the room in operate in is 9sqm, so having two people in there is still abiding by the social distancing rules as far as I can gather.
I am encouraging as many of my kinesiology clients to have online sessions as possible, but until we come up with a way to do massage online, they will stay in person.
Please do feel free to speak to me with any concerns or queries, or if you prefer, please defer your appointment until this situation resolves.
I would ask, if you are feeling unwell, or have potentially been exposed to a confirmed case of COVID-19, or have been overseas, please have your kinesiology session online, or postpone your massage until you have completed your 14 day isolation and are well again.
Thanks very much, lets all support each other to get through this time and come out stronger.